There may be dry rot, termite damage unknown and unseen. If you get the pest report ahead of time you can;
a/ Choose who performs the inspection
b/ Decide for yourself who conducts the work by getting repairs bid out to several different contractors who can usually perform the job for much less money then the inspection company that performs the inspection will charge.
Example; I recently had a pre sale pest control inspection on a Livermore home which was 25 years old. The report came back with dry rot to the rear of the house at a staggering cost of over $25,000 to repair! The seller was not happy. I was able to get the work bid out to a local trusted contractor and it was all done for $7500! Result, seller much happier! However had we not had the report up front we may have found it difficult timing wise to have an outside contractor come in.
c/ You may be able to save thousands of dollars in repairs. You simply do not want to make repairs twice, so before you replace a bathroom floor or do any painting, get a pest report.
At a minimum you will know ahead of time the issues and so eliminate any nasty surprises during the escrow sales period which is a stressful enough time as it is.
This is a structural report, by a branch 3 licensed company, not an inspection by those ant-spraying firms!
"But Gordon my friend at the office says the buyer gets the inspections", read above.
We can make recommendations on inspection companies as well as contractors who perform this type of work, call us.
2/ Get a roof inspection UP FRONT